The station now has several restaurants, some shops, a Science City (museum for kids), 2 IMAX theaters and also has large areas to host traveling exhibitions. In addition, the Amtrak railroad station is still in service and a new station area is being created in the station to host the rail traffic.
An interesting side story involves the clock in this photo.....
For many years, a New Year's Eve party was held in the station. The attendees would dance and drink, constantly watching the large hanging clock to find out how much time was left until the new year. It was considered good luck to kiss under the clock when midnight finally came. Mrs. Lime's grandmother has many memories of parties under the clock.
We went down to see the newest traveling exhibit currently at the station. It was an exhibit about all of the First Ladies of the United States. A few facts that stuck out to me.......
-George Washington was actually marrying up when he wed Martha. She came from a family with great wealth and was said to be 'well-trained' as far as being a host and running a plantation. George Washington said that she 'was a good woman to consort with for life'. I'm guessing that was a compliment at that time, but when I said the same thing to my wife, she wasn't too impressed.
-Lou Henry Hoover (I noted that somehow she ended up with two male names for some reason) was a big advocate for women becoming athletic and participating in sports.
-Mrs. Coolidge took advantage of the newly changed voting rules that allowed women to vote. She actively campaigned specifically to women on her husband's behalf. It appeared to work as he won the women's vote and the presidency. She is now directly credited for changing how presidental campaigns work. The spouses of all candidates now actively participate in the campaign, hoping to attract a specific piece of the voting public.
-First ladies of the 1700s and 1800s were required to be the host for all visits by foreign dignitaries. Their abilities were very important, as a good host could cinch a deal, while a bad host could hurt the relationship with that country.
-A first lady is not always a spouse. In two cases, the first lady was not a spouse. President Buchanon was a bachelor. His niece served as first lady during his term. Thomas Jefferson was a widow. He actually had two first ladies. His daughter served as one of them. Also, Jefferson's secretary of state was James Madison. Jefferson asked Dolly Madison to also serve as a first lady due to her excellent hosting abilities. Obviously, she later served as first lady when her husband became president and was well know for being an excellent first lady.
Sorry I couldn't take any pictures of the exhibit, but photos were not allowed. I did take a picture of this old fire engine that has been restored. I would have liked to fire up the siren on this baby, but unfortunately it wasn't allowed.