Thursday, April 28, 2011

You know it's time to potty.........

Giselle 1.5 and Kali 4.2 decided to take a bath together last night. Kali said that she needed to go potty before the bath. She went over and sat on the toilet to do her business.

Giselle had her diaper off. Giselle saw Kali and said 'Potty!'. She ran over to the toddler potty and sat right down on it. She then stood up and said 'Potty!' again. She walked to the other end of the bathroom, turned to look at me, and then went potty on the spot.

The effort is there, but we're going to have to work on the timing.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Notes from the world of chaos.......

-When your four year old brings home 'pretty rocks' from the neighbor's yard that include shards of glass, it's very difficult to convince them that the shard of glass is not a pretty rock.

-A one year old child that gets excited while holding a fork can be very dangerous, especially when a prong of said fork flies into their mouth and pokes a hole in their gums.

-Dogs who roll in poop in the backyard can stink for a very long time.

-Giving a young child a balance platform to play with can lead to issues when they fall off that balance ball.

-Having your two daughters go up to play in their room together is a wonderful thing.......until the first time one of them decide that sharing isn't an option.

-Bathing two children together is always a good idea. They splash each other rather than you.

-Having a one year old who believes a toilet is a drinking fountain is a problem. She rightfully earns the name 'poopy-breath'.