Monday, November 01, 2010

Not your normal order at a restaurant.........

I was sitting with my friend Bobby at a restaurant for lunch today. I was just about to start ordering from the waitress when I saw a call from Mrs. Lime's phone. I asked the waitress to wait a second because it was my wife. Note that Bobby and my waitress were only hearing my end of the conversation.

Me: Hello?

Kali 3.9: Daddy, will you bring my butler home from Papa's buildings?

Me: Yes, sweetie. I will bring your butler home today.

(Bobby and waitress bust out laughing)

Me: Is there anything else?

Kali 3.9: Could you also bring back my mini-butler?

Me: Yes, I will bring back the mini-butler as well.

(Bobby and waitress continue laughing)

Me: I've got to let you go. I'll see you when I get home, OK?

Kali: OK, but don't forget my butler.

Me: I won't forget it. Bye.

For the uninitiated, we have two animated butlers that we put up over Halloween. We took them out to Papa's winery for the trick or treaters over the weekend and Kali was requesting they be returned. But it made for great amusement for my waitress and Bobby.

And lunch was very good as well.