Last night, thousands of Ravens fans were forced to watch their team play against the Green Bay Packers on one of the coldest nights that we've had in Baltimore thus far. Both of these teams have been absolutely horrible all year and now they both get to showcase just how bad they are in front of a national television audience. I listen to the sports radio station every day and have to hear people complain about just how bad the Ravens are playing, in case it wasn't obvious to everyone.
Last night, facing a team that is in the running for a high draft pick along with the Ravens, they managed to destroy the Packers 48-3, handing them their worst loss in 25 years. The Ravens' reward? They still aren't going anywhere and managed to hurt their draft status. So, I wasn't all that shocked to come in this morning and hear Baltimore fans still complaining, but now they were complaining about a win. Even when the Ravens win, the people are still upset. That's how bad it is in Baltimore. Makes the 'predicament' that my beloved Chiefs are in look quite manageable in comparison.