Friday, September 18, 2009

Thursday night bowling........

I've been sporatically going bowling with my friend Hightower on Thursday nights. It's usually only once or twice a month, but it's a good time. Last night I started horribly but managed to rally back to win eventually. Some thoughts.........

1. The bowling alley offers karaoke after 9:00 PM on Thursdays. If there is a worse talent group to pull performers from, I'd love to see it. There are some TERRIBLE singers. At one point last night, a guy was butchering a Hank Williams Jr. song so badly that I started singing the song loudly just to drown out how bad he was.

2. We had a college-age couple bowling in the lane to our right. The guy was being a relative jackass to his girlfriend. She and I happened to go pick up our respective ball at the same time. I told her that just between her and I, I was rooting for her to beat him. She smiled and said she was doing her best. In the last frame, she was down by 5 pins and had to run to the bathroom. While she was gone, her boyfriend tossed a gutter ball for her first ball. When she came back, Hightower let her know that she only had one ball to win with since he threw a gutter ball on her scorecard. She promptly walked up and knocked down 8 pins to win by 3. Very nice.

3. The kids to our right presented an interesting group as well. They were probably all just out of high school. Three of the eight kids over there had pretty bad obesity issues already at a young age. I felt terrible for them. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to be badly obese at that impressionable age.