Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pushing the buttons........

I'm still learning this whole parenting thing, but I'm getting better slowly but surely. I'm baffled why I push all the right parenting buttons with ease at some times while I screw it up royally at other times. I have learned a lot about body language and non-verbal information when interacting with other adults and older kids. But none of that works with a three year old. It can be very frustrating.

There are some times that things work great with Kali 3.5, who is blessed (or not) with being my first opportunity at parenting. I use the right positive/negative reinforcement at the time that draws out the exact reaction I'm looking for with my comments. It's fantastic to find that sweet spot and both Kali and I both are happier when that happens.

When I do a lousy job, we both end up frustrated. At the time, you get so frustrated that you're not pushing the right buttons. It's not necessarily anyone's fault. I'm just not very good at reading the needs and emotions of a three year old girl. It's the thing you say will never happen to you as a parent, yet here I am trying to put the whole puzzle together.

Hopefully Kali doesn't get too damaged by my futile (at times) parenting efforts. Giselle 0.7 should have a much better time of things. I'll have it all figured out the second time around, right?