Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Yes! No! Yes! No!

My mom came into town last week to take care of Kali 1.7. Kali has a new favorite word......"No". Kali says the word in a calm manner, so it doesn't seem terribly negative. My moms said that Kali "says 'No' cutely". Spoken like a true grandparent.

With that said, in recent days, Kali isn't even using the word to actually say 'No'. For example, Kali loves to have a cup of pudding or some pretzels for an evening snack. Now I KNOW that she loves these two snacks. But of late, this is usually how the discussion goes when trying to figure out what she wants for a snack..........

Me: Kali, do you want a snack?

Kali: SNACK!!!!

Me: Do you want some juice?

Kali: Juice!!!! No.

Me: How about a fruit cup?

Kali: Fruit!!!! No.

Me: Would you like some pretzels?

Kali: Pet-sul!!!! No.

Me: How about some pudding?

Kali: Pudding!!!! No.

End result is that she expresses excitement for each option, followed by a 'No'. So I just end up selecting one and hoping she likes it. I usually can't go wrong with any of the above choices, but I can't wait until we get this little communication issue worked out.