Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Success on the picture posting!!!!!

I have figured out a way to post my pictures to the blog! Very excited. The saga of my blog will continue with color pictures included. I thought I would go ahead and post these pictures that didn't make it into the original NBA playoffs blog entry I posted last night.

This is the spotlights shining on the Nets as the starting lineups are introduced before the game.....

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This is a picture of some guys running around with 4 flags that spelled out 'NETS'.......

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A picture of the players getting ready for the start of the game.......

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This is a picture of the arena during a pause in the action on the court......

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A picture of some actual action on the court during the game......

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A picture of Jason Kidd attempting a free throw. Love the look of him with his arms extended and the guys down low just beginning to block out.........

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And my personal favorite.....a picture of Shaq at the free throw line. I absolutely loved that I got to saw him play in person. Words can't describe how large this guy is and how agile he is for a man of his size. Seeing him nearly tear down the goal support not once, but twice is something that I'll never forget. He is unbelievable.

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