Today thousands of illegal aliens will be marching in the streets all across the United States because of the law being proposed to make it a felony to be an illegal alien. First, let me explain something to the illegal aliens. It's ALREADY a crime to be in the country without proper documentation. The only difference with the new law is that the U.S. will actually use this law to put you in jail. Just because the previous administrations let your illegal residency slide does not mean it's right.
The U.S. is called the 'land of opportunity'. That is because the founders of this nation laid that foundation. The founders came from all over the world to create a unified nation. Now, the illegal aliens want to say that they want to come to America for that same opportunity. That's wonderful. But this is not the 1600s. This is 2006. There are rules on how you can gain admission. Follow those rules and legally gain admission to the country. Honestly, if there weren't so many illegal aliens breaking the rules so badly, the actual immigration laws might be much more lax than they currently are.
The illegal aliens that are currently breaking the rules are much like marijuana users. They both break the law fully knowing that they are breaking the law. They also know that because there are so many offenders, there's no way that the government has the resources to track them all down. That's fine, but don't act like your totally shocked if you happen to be one that ends up being caught by the authorities. Just because millions of other people do it doesn't mean that you are immune from the laws of the country that you are currently residing.
I have no problem with people from another country coming to the U.S. But there has to be some control over who is entering the country. At this point, the influx of illegal aliens, especially from Mexico, have reached the point where the U.S. has to crack down at this point. All the government is doing is adding stricter punishment to a law that already existed. The law in general is not changing. For the illegal aliens, consider yourselves lucky that you were able to spend this much time in the U.S. without being removed from the country.