Friday, February 08, 2008

Unbelievable quote.............

"No one should kill. But no one should drive another person to kill either."

I find this quote to be simply amazing. A man killed 5 people in St. Louis last night at a city council meeting. The above quote came from an interview of the killer's mother. She has somehow rationalized in her mind that, because her son had some disagreements with the city, the killing of 5 innocent people was somehow justified.

These killings aren't the real problem in my mind. Similar incidents have happened in the past and there's little that can be done to stop something like this from happening if someone wants to do so. The real problem is the thinking behind the incident. How does society go about changing the thinking on display by the mother of this killer? I'm not sure that I have any real answers. I'm still somewhat surprised that a person could react in this way to what happened. I don't have any answers, but I hope someone does.