Monday, November 10, 2008

Movies gone wild....

The red carpet was rolled out on Friday night. Kali 1.8 went to her first movie in the movie theater. We got there nice and early and picked out a good seat where she had several feet of open space in front of her to roam around during the movie. Kali was a big fan of the seats in the theater. She'd say 'up' and 'down' as she flipped the seat up and down. Who knew that the simple action of sitting down in a movie theater would be so educational?

Before the movie, Kali played peek-a-boo and said 'Hi' to a nearby girl that was her age. They kept each other entertained for the 15 minutes that we had to wait. They smiled and waved at each other, both acting somewhat shy while still interested in each other. Once the previews started, Kali wanted to keep playing with her friend, but we let her know that the movie was starting and she had to sit down. After a 30 second protest, she settled down.

While Mrs. Lime and I aren't even sure how it happened, somewhere in the early moments of the previews, Kali starting raising her finger to her mouth and was telling us 'Shhhhhhhh!'. Mrs. Lime and I were obviously interrupting her movie experience and she was having none of it. We acquiesced to her wishes and stopped chatting.

We went to see Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa. It was actually a pretty good show. There were several animals that were in performing acts in New York City and they decided to escape and go back to Africa, where they were originally born. The movie was about them acclimating back into the old environment. Toss in a few butt and fart jokes for the kids along with some jokes for the adults that the kids didn't get and you've got a good family movie. Kali watched the movie very closely, though she did move from seat to seat during the movie. I think she was pretty impressed with the size of the screen.

At the end of the movie, the credits had dance mix music along with the characters dancing on the screen. Pandemonium ensued. The kids in the theater all jumped up and started dancing in the aisles. Kali was running around in circles, smiling the whole time. She was tossing in a spin here and there. She started to get a bit dizzy from all the dancing. She looked less like a dancing queen and more like a drunken sailor, but it didn't faze her a bit. She had a blast.

Last night, Kali and I sat down to watch her favorite movie (The Little Mermaid). Kali pointed to the couch and told me to 'sit' and then she climbed up on the couch next to me. As the movie started, I had something wet hit my hand. I turned over and saw Kali saying, or should I say spraying, 'Shhhhhhh!'. I'm guessing we won't ever have to teach her the value of silence during a movie. She's already telling me to be quiet before the movie has even started.