Monday, January 05, 2009

Been awfully busy of late............

-Took care of Kali 1.10 and Tinkerbell 0.3 all weekend, with an assist from the grandparents. Never a dull moment, outside of the afternoon naptime. Of course, the few moments of quiet during naptime on Sunday were used to clean around the house, so even that time was used up.

-Got 3rd place in the poker tourney this month. Played pretty well and just couldn't finish the deal at the end. Made about $30 in the end between the cash game and the tourney.

-Mizzou basketball got their first non-conference road win in 5 years over Georgia on Saturday. This team plays with a lot more energy than we've seen in the last 4-5 teams. They're not going to win the conference, but they're a lot more fun to watch than other teams in recent years.

-I'm hoping for a quiet week this week. Got a few things I'd like to get accomplished, but nothing of significance. Little chores just pile up over time.