Monday, January 11, 2010

If it's good for Mrs. Lime.........

Saturday night, I had the monthly poker game at my house. Had a good size group. Best part was that I won! I was pretty happy with my play all evening long. I tried some different things after doing a lot of poker reading over the past month or two. It seemed to help quite a bit.

After poker, I had to take care of Giselle 0.1. During the poker party, the girls in attendance all took turns with the baby (didn't take much convincing). Mrs. Lime had to work from 9:00 PM to 2:00 AM. I took over around 11:00 PM from the girls. Giselle was NOT happy with me. While she does eat from a bottle if she's truly hungry, she still gives me an attitude if she's ready to go to sleep and 'The Boob' (Mrs. Lime's new nickname around the house) isn't available. So I have to pull out all the tricks of the trade to get the baby to sleep.

After a good hour of work, I finally got her to sleep around 12:30 AM in the swing. She was snoring pretty good, so I decided to pick her up and take her upstairs to the crib. BAD DECISION! As soon as I put my hands under her to pick her up, her eyes shot wide open and she acted like she had never been asleep. Uh-oh.

After another hour of convincing her that sleep was her best option, she finally went to sleep around 1:45 AM, probably mostly due to exhaustion of trying to convince Daddy otherwise.

I woke up the next morning and Mrs. Lime commented to me how well Giselle slept last night. Mrs. Lime said she woke up a couple of times wondering if everything was OK since she wasn't waking up to eat. Evidently Daddy wasn't the only one exhausted from his late night party with Giselle.