Thursday, January 21, 2010

The short-circuit of the Obama administration......

I'll admit it. I was gleefully happy about Scott Brown winning the special election in Massachusetts this week, effectively killing any hope Obama and the Democrats had of passing their health care bill.

It's been baffling that health care, cap and trade, and other useless policies proposed by the Democrats have been pursued with such vigor despite the fact that the majority of Americans are against their passage in their present form. Suddenly, the GOP wins Ted Kennedy's old Senate seat and they realize, 'Oh, maybe the public isn't real crazy about what we're doing. I told Mrs. Lime that the grounds crew would be busy at Arlington the next day since Teddy likely rolled over in his grave all night long and tore up the ground above his grave.

It's amazing how the stupidity of one group of politicians which allowed the Democrats to ascend to power is quickly forgotten by the public when the new group of politicians make moves that are equally as stupid. Hopefully the group that replaces the current politicians in November learns from the past. I won't hold my breath.