Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wiffle ball........

I had to go out to do some work at another location and Mrs. Lime needed me to take Kali 2.11. When we got there, the person I was supposed to meet wasn't there yet. As a result, I had extra time with nothing to do and a two year old getting tired of waiting. Thankfully, I came prepared.

I remembered I had put my wiffle bat/ball in the trunk of the car. I asked Kali if she wanted to play wiffle ball and she was eager to do so (despite not knowing what that even was). Once I got it out, she recognized it as 'baseball' right away. I gave her a few minor pointers to get set up, and then I tossed the ball her way. She actually hit it, though it may have been a bit of luck that the ball and bat happened to collide with each other.

Unfortunately, she missed on the next 4-5 swings, so it was now considered a boring activity. I did let her set the ball on the ground and hit it around, but that got boring as well.

Eventually, she just wanted to play 'chase'. So we just ran around in circles and she thought that was fantastic. Such is the interest level of a two year old girl.