Friday, April 10, 2009

Kali 2.1 earns her keep.........

Mrs. Lime had to run a couple of errands today, so she dropped off Kali 2.1 at my workplace. First stop once Kali got here was to the cafeteria. We picked up some scrambled eggs and 7-8 pieces of bacon. She came up and quietly sat at my desk eating the food. She ate all the bacon and most of the eggs.

Some of my co-workers wandered by. They saw Kali and immediately started dropping by to give her things. One lady brought by a princess doll. Another brought by a plastic egg loaded with candy. She got a couple of bites of chocolate from an intern in our group. Tons of sugar, though I didn't let her eat it all.

She also did some coloring, which was admired by several people passing by. I had a couple of foam stress balls which she started throwing down the aisles and then retrieving them. One of my co-workers who has a two year old comment that if his daughter were to come to the office, you'd know right where she was between the screaming and the paper-throwing. He said that his father called his daughter 'Hurricane Sara'.

Kali seemed to have a good time. I'm sure the ladies were disappointed that she didn't warm up to them a bit quicker and interact with them, but it provided a good distraction from the usual monotony at work.