Friday, May 01, 2009

Little extra attention.........

While Kali 2.2 certainly never lacks attention from her parents, she did get a bit of extra attention over the past couple of days since she's been running a bit of a temperature. It's some sort of a virus, but we're able to control her temperature for the most part with the usual over-the-counter medications.

Her sleeping cycle has been a bit off as a result. Last night, she wasn't quite ready to go to be at her usual time and I really needed to keep her up to give her another round of medicine around 10:30 PM, so I gave her the option of hanging out in bed with me and watching TV for awhile. She was extremely excited and jumped on that opportunity.

She came up and we watched 'Bizarre Foods' together. It's actually a pretty good show for kids to watch as it turns out. There are lots of insects and animals on the show. She was inquiring about all of them, trying to learn as usual. She also continues to amaze me with her sudden explosion of chatter. Conversations are becoming more and more frequent, rather than her just spitting out random words or sentence fragments.

10:25 PM came around. I was looking around at the web while Kali was watching TV. Or at least I thought she was watching TV. I looked over to find her face-down in the bed asleep. So I picked her up and gave her the medicine and she went to sleep without any issues. Even the sick nights can be relatively pain-free with this kid.