Thursday, June 25, 2009

Doctor Kali is in...........

Kali 2.4 and I are on our own for a few days. Mrs. Lime went out to see her sister. I had a chat with Kali about the situation when we got back home after we dropped off Mrs. Lime at the airport.

Kali: Where Mommy go?

Me: Mommy went to see Aunt Shell.

Kali: Mmmmm-hmmmm.

Me: Aunt Shell wasn't feeling very good. She was sad about feeling bad.

Kali: Mmmmm-hmmmm. Aunt Shell sad.

Me: Yep, Mommy went to make her feel better.

Kali: Mommy make her feel better. (pause for thought) Mommy give Aunt Shell Kleenex!

Me: Yes, I'm sure Mommy probably gave her a Kleenex.

Kali: Aunt Shell very sad. Mommy give her TWO Kleenex!

Kali's diagnosis? Two Kleenex make it all better.