Tuesday, June 09, 2009

The world according to Kali..........

Kali 2.3 had the very special opportunity to 'hang out with Daddy' last night. It's basically a situation where I let her sit in bed and watch TV with me for a bit past her bedtime when it's blatantly obvious that she's not tired yet. She bounces off the walls and gets extremely excited when I say it's OK.

Last night, she was goofing around on the bed while I was watching an episode of 'Intervention'. Near the end of the episode, they were in the actual intervention.

Kali: Mommy crying.

Me: Yes, the mommy's crying.

Kali: Daddy crying.

Me: Yes, the daddy's crying.

Kali: Girl crying.

Me: Yep, she's crying too.

(girl in intervention says she'll take the help and hugs parents)

Kali: (jumps over to hug and kiss me) HUG!!!!

Free hugs for Daddy! I should watch interventions with my daughter more often.


Kali's Uncle Tom and I were watching a movie. At some point, a man jumped from a balcony to his death. Kali looked up to see the man falling. While they didn't show him hitting the ground, they did show him lying there.

Kali: (man's falling) Uh-oh!

Me: Yeah, uh-oh.

Kali: Man fall down.

Me: Yep, he definitely has a boo-boo.

Kali: (pointing at screen now showing blood puddle) Uh-oh!

Me: Yeah, uh-oh.

Kali: Man spill red nail polish.

Me: Yes, he obviously had a nail polish spill. Nice job, sweetie!


Yesterday, Kali and I rode the Octopus at Worlds of Fun. It's like a spinning ride that goes up and down. Kali was really fired up about the ride. She was skipping/bouncing through the whole line. We got on the ride and she was smiling in-between occasional determined looks.

The ride starts up, and after one time around..........

Kali: (scared) MY DADDY!!! MY DADDY!!!

Me: It's OK, Daddy's holding you. You're fine.

Kali: (silence while white-knuckling the safety bar)

Me: See, it's not that bad.


Me: Well, we have to wait for the end. It'll be over soon.

We rode the rest of the ride with similar conversation throughout the ride. At the end of the ride, she got off and starting hopping towards the gate where Mrs. Lime was waiting for her.......

Mrs. Lime: Did you have fun?

Kali: Mmmmmm-hmmmmm!

I'm sorry, but did Kali and I just ride the same ride? Amazing how terror can lead to a ride assessment of 'fun'.