Wednesday, December 23, 2009


We've been working with Kali 2.10 on her behavior. Mainly working on motivation for going to bed at night and bathroom 'performance'. The bathroom thing she's got down pretty well, except for the occasional time where she waits a bit too long and has to scramble to the bathroom to do her business.

She also has a 'Good Girl' board that allows her to be rewarded if she stays in her room all night. That has paid off in spades. Last night went extremely well in that regard.

I was on my own taking care of both girls since Mrs. Lime was back to work. While Mrs. Lime certainly has plenty to deal with during the day taking care of the kids, I have the added challenge of taking care of a 3 week old baby who likes breast feeding and isn't terribly crazy about a bottle. So I have a baby who is asking to be fed every hour and refusing to go to sleep for 5 hours straight, which is a long time for a 3 week old baby. I'm sure it was wonderful overnight, as the baby likely slept all night, but it makes it 'exciting' for me.

Long story short, it came time to put Kali to sleep. I went in her room with Giselle 0.0 and we sang the usual bedtime songs and tucked her in. After that, I left the room. Kali decided to come out of her room, saying she was 'scared'. Let's just say that I'm the parent that doesn't buy that line for a second. I took her back and agreed to sing to her one song. After that, I told her that if she came out of the room again, that she would lose her "big girl mark" for the night. That's a big deal in her eyes, since she gets a 'special something' if she fills up that board.

I closed the door and heard nothing but silence for the rest of the night. Mission accomplished. Giselle still wasn't happy with me, but it's much easier to deal with one child than two children.