Hundreds of millions of dollars were taken from government budgets by Arafat and his cabinet. The government itself is nearly bankrupt. The government is now actually paying Arafat's wife several million a year to tell them where those hundreds of millions ended up. It was simply stupid, corrupt government at its finest. I have no clue why Arafat was so beloved by the people when he continued to screw them over so badly.
Now, Hamas is in charge. All peace negotiations will obviously cease. Hamas has a charter that specifically calls for the removal of Israel and its people. There are daily confrontations between Hamas and Fatah supporters in the streets. From a political standpoint, I personally think that Hamas getting in charge may end up being a good thing in the long run. It appears to be uniting the U.S. and their allies when they had not always got along previously because of Iraq. The open failure of a government run by terrorists may destabilize the region in the short term, but could result in the eventual loss of support from the Palestinian people in regards to Hamas. Just below is a propaganda picture that Hamas thinks is a good thing. I'm guessing that posing a 1-year old baby next to a machine gun is not going to draw much sympathy from most people.

Imagine what this country could do without corruption in government..............Ah, it's always nice to dream.