Monday, February 06, 2006

Acid reflux.........

A guy I'll call Jamaica sat down next to me at the table. He was a pretty big guy. I call him Jamaica because he had a ring tone that we heard several times on his phone that sounded like some sort of Jamaican-themed song. Several people mentioned that he should probably get a receptionist because of the frequency of calls to his phone. A few times, he answered the phone and had no clue who the person was on the phone. He just muttered that it was 'another woman'.

At some point, the phone rang and it had a different dial tone. He answered it and it was his wife he later told me. I asked him after the phone call why the ring tone wasn't the Jamaican music. He turned to me with a glare and asked, "When did I say I was Jamaican?".
Evidently, he somehow construed that I had called him Jamaican because he was a black person. Several people at the table quickly came to my aid by clearing up that I was asking about the dial tone, not calling him a Jamaican. I'm glad that they did, because it appeared that he had me mistakenly pegged as some sort of racist and was about to pound a hole in my skull.

Later in the game, Jamaica decided to tell us that he had something crazy happen last night. Evidently, he had gambled all the cash he had away at some point on the poker tables. He was down to 50 cents in his pocket and asked a cocktail waitress who he had given several tips if he could borrow $3.00 to get a sandwich because he had an acid reflux problem and needed to eat something. She, of course, refused. He gave her a few choice words and then walked off.

Next, he decided to do what any compulsive gambler would do in his situation with only 50 cents in his pocket. He threw his last two quarters into a slot machine and hoped to win enough money to buy a sandwich. He did so and hit 3 bars, earning an $8.00 win. He cashed it out and bought his $3 ham sandwich. He pocketed the other $5 and headed off to bed. He mentioned to us that he had lost $400 to put himself in the position where he couldn't afford the sandwich. Hey, Jamaica! How about only losing $397 next time so you can afford a sandwich when you're through gambling?