Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Cleanup on Aisle 9!!!!!!!

Ah, the joys of parenting. I headed in for a diaper change on Kali 0.1. She had made several noises indicative of problems followed by a few grunts. I opened the diaper to find the damage. It's quite amazing the mess a 7 pound baby can put out in a brief period of time. As I pulled one diaper away from the baby and began to put a new diaper in place, she decided not to wait on the diaper and sent #1 flowing all over the place. Yikes!

A full change-out was needed of blanket, clothes and diapers. We finally got everything straightened out and everything was back in place. You never feel too upset about the situation when she flashes you a look like this......

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She sleeps really well right now. She's getting sleepy in this photo......

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Nova really likes the baby a lot. Whenever Kali 0.1 is down at a level that Nova can reach her, he goes over and sniffs her and then sits right next to whoever is holding her. He's very curious about the baby. He loves to watch her when she's in the crib......

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