Thursday, February 08, 2007

No problems reported.........

This occurred in a meeting I went to today at work. You honestly can't make this kind of stuff up.........

Project Manager: Bill, what's the status on the Hurricane Relief system?

Bill: Well, it's going pretty well. It just went into production at midnight this morning and we've had no complaints or bugs reported thus far.

Project Manager: No complaints or bugs???? That's great! Sounds like the testing team did a good job catching any bugs in the system.

Bill: Actually, I'm not so sure. Since we installed 8 hours ago, not a single person has signed into the system.

Project Manager: No one?

Bill: Nope. I'm guessing that everyone left town after the hurricanes and didn't bother to come back. Hopefully someone hung around or this system's not going to be of much use.