Monday, February 05, 2007

Full price.........

I ran down to the cafeteria in the building to get a drink. I got in line and there was a guy in front of me who had some eggs, biscuits, and bacon. He had the money counted out in his hand with what looked to be exact change, so he probably gets the same thing a lot.

Cashier: Total is $2.79.

Guy: But I usually pay $3.11.

Cashier: The biscuits are on sale today.

Guy: Oh, I see. OK.

He handed the money over and went on his way. Now I can understand people that have routines. I'm certainly one of those people. I have a lot of things that I do the same way regardless of situation or location simply because that's how I've always done that. But I have never walked up to a cash register and corrected a cashier when they asked for less money that I expected to pay. I guess this guy would have had some sort of guilty conscience that I wouldn't have had a problem with if it were me. Good for him, I suppose. He'll probably get some good karma payout down the road that I'll miss out on.