Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Lots of new stuff today........

New things for Kali 0.1 today.

1) She lost her belly button today. OK, so she didn't really 'lose' it. Rather, she had the remnants of her umbilical cord fall off today. It was starting to get black and a bit icky. Cleaned everything up and she now has a perfectly good belly button. Even without my parental bias, I think it's safe to say that it's an above-average belly button.

2) Finally got her to latch on to a pacifier. Obviously helps to calm down a baby this young. She got up a few times last night. Anything to assist in keeping her happy is always a good thing.

3) Casanova is a big fan of Johnson's baby lotion fragrance. I had sat down the blanket on the couch to wrap up Kali. Before I was even able to set her down to start wrapping her up, Nova was rubbing his head on the baby blankets. I had rubbed down Kali with some lotion after her last diaper change. Evidently, the fragrance had rubbed off on the blankets. He loves to rub around on anything that he thinks smells good.

4) Kali and I are now watching our first Mizzou Tigers basketball game together. I'm enjoying the game. Kali is enjoying a pacifier and a nap. I suppose I should count my blessings. She's happy and I'm happy. That should be good enough.

No major diaper disasters today. A day with out diaper disasters is always a good day.