Thursday, June 07, 2007

Best uses of a bathroom stall.......

I went into the bathroom and happened to notice a very unusual pair of shoes in one of the stalls. Not sure why I noticed it, but it stuck in my mind.

45 minutes later, I went back to the bathroom (I was drinking a lot of water). I walked in and noticed the same pair of shoes in the same bathroom stall. Worse yet, as I stood next to the stall at a urinal, I suddenly heard snoring! This dude had decided to turn the bathroom into his personal siesta hideaway! Being a huge fan of naps, I did what any person would do when a person was sleeping in a bathroom stall. I proceeded to clench my fist and solidly slam it into the bathroom stall wall, waking up Senor Siesta in the process.

I wish this was my first experience like this, but something similar happened in one of my past jobs. One day, there was a guy who wasn't working in our group anymore. I mentioned it to one of my friends and he said that the former worker was fired for sleeping in the bathroom. Evidently, this guy would sleep a few hours a day in the bathroom each workday. It worked just fine until our director walked into the bathroom and heard him snoring. He was fired that day.

How many of you have more than one experience of guys sleeping in bathroom stalls at their workplace?????????