Thursday, June 14, 2007

Size is obviously a concern........

There are two urinals in the men's bathroom at my workplace. One urinal is much higher than the other one, obviously they were placed with the intent to cater to men of different height.

If that's the case, why is it that every time I walk into the bathroom, there's a 5-foot tall man using the higher urinal. He's often shooting upward since the urinal base is higher than his waist. It's obvious he's trying to prove that he belongs with the big boys.

Meanwhile, I'm left to use the shorter urinal. This is a dicey situation at best. I have to aim at a urinal that is roughly 10 feet below my waist, hoping that I hit paydirt and not the floor or my shoes.

I think I'm going to put signs saying 'This one is for short people' and 'This one is for tall people' to streamline the process. I'm just going to have to pray that the short people will look up and read the signs above the urinals when they walk into the bathroom.