Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Version upgrade and new rice-eating record........

Well, another 11th day of the month has passed, so a version upgrade is in order. Kali 0.4 is growing at an amazing rate. I took care of her last night as Mrs. Lime was working. She set a new Kali personal best of 3 1/2 tablespoons of rice cereal. Better yet, she ate it all in roughly 5 minutes flat. We're going to have to work on her table manners, as she ended up with rice around her mouth, up her nose, and on her eyelid.

She's also doing a better job of going to sleep at night. Last night, I fed her a bottle at her bedtime. She ate most of it and ended up nearly asleep. I rocked her for a few minutes and then sat her in the crib. She actually woke up when I sat her down in the crib. She looked at me, gave a couple of goo-goo's, then rolled over on her side and went to sleep immediately. She's obviously going to be a social beast. Anyone that has to get in one last 'goo-goo' before they go to sleep is going to talk a whole lot in the near future.