Monday, October 08, 2007

Tip of the cap to Columbus.......

Thanks to Christopher Columbus, I had the day off today. Mrs. Lime had done some late night work, so the baby duty was on me for the morning. We took some time to play, ate some squash and turkey, took a nap, and changed a couple of diapers. All in a morning's work.

Kali 0.7 has learned a couple of new tricks. She's now waiving and anything and everything. She sees a painting.....and waves at it. She sees a witch decoration in the house.......and waves at it. A clock on the wall.......deserves a wave. She's greeted the entire house at this point.

She's also pretty good at standing on her own against the coffee table. She can set her arms on top of the table and stand on her own. She is also to the point where she can pull herself to her knees from a sitting position by grabbing on to the coffee table.

She's improving by leaps and bounds with her mobility as well. I set her down 8 feet from the coffee table and went in to get a bottle. I came back in the room a couple of minutes later and she had scooted over to the table on her own. Going to have to start hancuffing her to furniture when I leave the room.