Monday, April 21, 2008

Grass and fire..........

I'm pretty sure that I'm going to be paying for that $60 fertilizing job that took place a month or so ago. My neighbor to the north did not fertilize their yard. Neither of us have mowed the lawn yet this year. But you likely would think that the neighbor has already mowed once. That's because my grass is growing like gangbusters. As a result, I see a beautiful lawn coupled with more lawnmowing in my future. Granted, I have a riding mower, so it only takes about 30 minutes to mow the lawn. Let this be a lesson to me to not maintain my lawn nearly as well in future years.

In addition, Mrs. Lime and I have decided to tackle some outdoor projects. We would like to build an outdoor kitchen area with a grill and countertop. In addition, we're considering doing a fire pit or outdoor fireplace. We're browsing through books trying to figure out what we want to do. When we decide on something, you'll be the first to know.