Friday, April 25, 2008

Too big for their britches??????

Yesterday was 'Take your Child to Work' Day. Per the usual, the otherwise quiet government building was flooded with kids from ages 8-18 who came to see what their parents do on a daily basis. They also had a kids seminar downstairs for a few hours to give the kids something to do while the grown-ups actually took a couple of hours to get some work done.

Over lunch, I ran downstairs to the cafeteria to grab a chicken sandwich. I looked out over the cafeteria and the connected lunchroom and was struck by something. I was amazed at the number of kids who were overweight. I'm not talking just a few pounds here and there. These kids were 20-30 lbs. overweight. Some of the problems were obvious, as their parents also had a weight problem. But there were other kids who had a problem who had parents that were relatively fit.

Generally speaking, my friends have kids that are fit and not overweight at all. I guess that's why it came as such a shock to me to see so many kids with a weight problem. I didn't realize how wide-ranging the problem was in the general population. I honestly think that lack of activity and eating out a lot are the main culprits. I'll certainly be aware of the problem moving forward.