Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The highest level of respect.............

My dad probably clicked on this blog entry hoping this thread about respect was for him since it was his birthday. While I do respect my dad and wish him the best on his birthday, he likely won't be shocked that this is yet another thread about his oldest grand-daughter.

Last night, I had to attend a meeting for the alumni board at my fraternity. It's only about 10 minutes away, so not too much of a drive. Mrs. Lime was working last night, so I was in charge of Kali 1.2. I decided to take her along with me to the meeting.

I picked up an ice cream sundae for her on the way over. She could eat that for the first 15 minutes or so to keep her busy. After that, the sheer number of people would keep her attention. She ate almost half of the sundae over the first 20 minutes. After that, she sat in my lap with a smile on her face, quite happy with the sundae now residing in her tummy.

She was wiggling around in my lap when suddenly she sat upright with such force that she 'broke wind' with great vigor. Under normal circumstances, this could be quite an embarrassing situation. But this isn't a normal situation. We were sitting in a room with 5 fraternity alumni and 4 fraternity actives. Not everyone in the room heard it, but the few that were nearby reacted quickly............

Active #1: (laughing) Whoa!!!!!!

Alumni #1: Wow, that girl has potential!!!!

Yes, only in a fraternity house will you get that kind of respect for launching an attack of that magnitute on the hearing and smelling organs of an average human. Kali has now received that level of respect.