Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Is it April 1st again??????

Yep, it's that day again. It's April Fools' Day and it's my 8th wedding anniversary. Our anniversary is somewhat deceiving, in that we've been together for nearly 14 years now. So we're actually quite a bit further along than our anniversary year total would suggest.

Obviously, a lot has changed over the past year as Kali has grown from a very tiny 0.1 model up to the current 1.1 version. Certainly, there's a lot more of Kali to handle as she's grown around 15 pounds and is now on the verge of walking. Casanova 8.0 has been around for the whole marriage and probably wishes that everything were as quiet as it was when we first got married and didn't have nearly as much excitement in our house.

Mrs. Lime and I have grown A LOT over our 8 years. I'm not even sure we're the same couple from a relationship standpoint. Both of us have matured immensely over the past 8 years. I can easily say without hesitation that our relationship is as good as it ever has been. It certainly wasn't bad by any means in the past. But we're closer as a couple than we ever have been.

So I'll take this opportunity to thank Mrs. Lime for giving my life a wonderful purpose and for making these past 14 years a blessing. In 42 years when we have our 50th wedding anniversary, I'll likely still be saying the same thing and wondering why we can't do 50 more years.