Friday, April 11, 2008

My daughter already needs reprogramming.........

Kali 1.2 and I hung out last night since Mrs. Lime was busy working. We ate some dinner (Noodles, hamburger pasta sauce, corn and peas for the young lady) and then headed over for some playtime on the floor. We read several books together and played with some plastic balls. The basic routine consisted of getting a toy, bringing it to Dad, and then walking back to get another toy before Dad could even engage in playing with the previous toy handed to him. Mindless fun that can soothe the savage 14 month old beast.

Kali was still hungry by 7:15 PM, so we went over to her high chair and ate some animal crackers. I spent time emptying the dish washer while she ate. At some point, she decided that she was done eating. As I put away the dishes, I heard something hit the floor, followed by Kali yelling 'Dog!'. I turned around to see Kali looking down at a piece of animal cracker on the floor, about to be sucked up by Nova 8.0. So my daughter has figured out that she can throw food on the floor, scream 'Dog' and then watches for the dog to eat the food. As I said in previous posts, an unholy alliance is definitely developing. This may call for drastic counter measures.