Tuesday, March 09, 2010


I get a call at work every day from Kali 3.0. She likes to call me and tell me all about what she's doing that day. It's generally entertaining and it's probably a good social/verbal exercise for her. When I can't understand what she's saying, Mrs. Lime usually chimes in to help me stay on the right path.

Today I got a call from Kali. She was telling me all about her breakfast and that she and Mrs. Lime were going to play some games together. I wasn't able to understand one of the statements, so I asked Mrs. Lime what she had said. Only one problem.......Mrs. Lime wasn't there. Kali had found my name in the phone book and tapped it to call me all on her own. Mrs. Lime came down after a while to find Kali and I having a conversation and inform me that Kali had called me by herself. Kali was pretty proud of herself.

She's still not getting a cell phone any time soon.