Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My lot in life.........

I think I take for granted the situation that I'm in.

Last night, we went out to eat at a nearby restaurant. At the table next to us, there's a kid throwing a fit of mammoth proportions. The noise never bothers me since I'm a parent of two young girls, but what was noticable was how much effort the parents had to spend on handling the kid rather than just enjoying their meal. I then thought back after the meal and realized that the worst thing that happened at our table was that Kali 3.1 decided to put on some of Mommy's lipstick and then kissed the wall on the booth to make a 'lippy mark'. We told her to stop and she did. That was about it.

We did have a 5 minute drama before bed where Kali was trying to find every reason not to go to bed. Eventually, I had to pull out the mean daddy voice, which seemed to work. I'm sure it won't be long before the mean daddy voice gets laughed at by both of my daughters.