Thursday, December 13, 2007

Locks of Love..........

Mrs. Lime did something the other day that will no doubt make a sick child much happier in the coming days. She had her hair cut and donated the clipped hair to the 'Locks of Love' charity. For those that don't know, 'Locks of Love' takes donated hair and creates hairpieces for children to improve their self-esteem. The vast majority of kids who receive the hairpieces suffer from a incurable disease called "alopecia areata". It causes the children to lose all of their hair and can lower the self-esteem of an otherwise healthy child.

People who donate their hair must cut at least 10 inches of hair, so you have to grow out your hair quite a bit. Mrs. Lime had just enough hair to donate without cutting her own hair too close for comfort. Her hair will grow back out eventually, so it's only a temporary loss. For the child who receives the hairpiece (often donated to families who can't afford them), it can be a life-changing event.

I'm sure Mrs. Lime wouldn't want to get any special attention for her donation. I'm hoping that this post will spur others who have longer hair to make a donation that can really help a kid who wants a full head of hair, something that the rest of us take for granted. Below are some examples of the impact a hair donation can make...........





Below is the website with all the details for those that are interested in finding out more about the charity.

Locks of Love Website