Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Let the dancing begin!

Kali 2.1 and I finished participating in/watching the season premiere of 'Dancing with the Stars'. A few notes.......

-Kali mentioned a few times that the ladies were wearing 'princess dresses'. The girl loves glitter.

-Kali's favorite part of dancing is spinning. She's like a whirling dervish when the music starts.

-When the spinning stops, it's usually followed by a 'Whoa!' as she realizes her head is still spinning. The conclusion usually involves falling to the floor.

-She's still very cordial when the dance finishes. She always claps for the dancers.

-A new reaction has been added to the repetoire: Booing. She figured out that the crowd says 'Booooooo!' when the judge gives negative feedback. So she's started to boooo the judges with the crowd.

-We've turned the scoring time into learning time. As the judges reveal their score, we repeat each number as the judge says it. Good number practice for the learning sponge otherwise known as my daughter.

Good times. We're obviously going to be hosting toddler watch parties of 'Dancing with the Stars' in the near future.