Monday, March 23, 2009

While I was watching the basketball game.........

Notes from yesterday's get together at my sister's house.

-There were three 2-year olds in attendance. That's three upwardly mobile toddlers loose in the same home for those of you scoring at home. They go everywhere.

-There's nothing funnier than an insincere 'sorry' from one two-year old to another. Much like Bill Clinton, they're sorry they got caught rather than any actual feelings of remorse.

-Even funnier is when one child pushes another child and the offender is asked by her mother to apologize to the little boy. The little boy, promptly apologizes to the offender, not realizing that the little girl is the one who's supposed to be apologizing to him.

-Kali 2.1 had her first experience at a "kids table". The three little kids sat down to eat together. No food was thrown, but not a lot was eaten either. One child got distracted halfway through the meal and left the table to play. That triggered the other two to leave and follow suit.

-Kali decided it would be a great idea to slide on her belly, feet-first, down Gwen's slide. It was a great idea until she reached the bottom and realized that she was landing on dirt and her hands and knees were covered in that dirt. She began to fuss, not because it hurt, but because her hands and pants were now dirty.

-Cousin Gwen 1.10 had a similar meltdown when she misjudged a deck stair and fell into the dirt while holding a tippie cup of juice. There's nothing worse than a perfectly good cup of juice ruined. Thankfully, I was right behind her and able to reassure her that the world was still intact and remedy the situation to her approval.

-I should never go to my sister's house again. I sit down and hear their surround sound and all I can think about is a home theater in my own home. I can't wait until I hit the Powerball jackpot.