Thursday, November 12, 2009

Baby premiere draws closer..........

We're down to the wire in regards to Baby Girl -0.1. She should be arriving very soon, as Mrs. Lime is into her 8th month of pregnancy. Mrs. Lime has been painting the nursery with flowers, butterflies, etc. I've been cleaning carpets in anticipation of the new rugrat's arrival. Kali 2.9 was asked if she was ready for her new sister. She said, "No, not yet!".

I watched Kali and a couple of the neighbor kids for a few hours yesterday. The youngest one was a 15 month old boy. I forgot how quickly a kid that age can disappear. One minute, he's right next to me. I turn away from him for 20 seconds and then spin around only to see him turning a corner at the far end of the house. Kids are like Houdini at that age. But I've got a few months of 'baby that doesn't go anywhere' time before I start chasing one again. And Kali should do an excellent job of ratting out her little sister if she tries to get into trouble.