Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Learning by example.........

We went out and ate last night with some family friends. They have a 6 year old girl named Grace and a 1 year old boy named Christian. Kali 2.8 got to sit next to Grace. Both the girls got coloring pages with puzzle, pictures, etc. Kali initially did her own thing.

But then, she started watching everything that Grace did and would mimic it on her coloring sheet. If Grace colored in certain letters, Kali would do the same. If Grace flipped over her sheet to draw something on the blank side, Kali would do the same. She was soaking it all in and doing a great job of learning from Grace.

Now, on the other side, she refused to share something earlier in the evening and threw a tantrum when she was told that she needed to share. So, we'll just call Kali an intelligent child who is a work in progress.