She smiled and replied, "This is an Italian restaurant", with a smile showing that she was really excited about the fact that she knew it was an Italian restaurant.
Right away, I knew I was dealing with a young waitress of obviously superior intellect. Immediately after she left without resolving the ketchup/mustard issue, Mrs. Lime's sister noticed a table only a few feet away had a ketchup bottle sitting right in the middle of the table. So we asked our waiter (not the girl who brought the food) if we could have ketchup and mustard. He said there was no mustard but they did have ketchup. Good enough. We got the ketchup and later the same girl walk by our table. I saw her look down at our table and notice the ketchup. She got a puzzled look on her face, but she just kept on walking.
After dinner, Mrs. Lime decided we should head out to The Gun Shop. I'm not a huge gun fan, but I went along for the amusement. As we stepped out of the cab, we immediately heard the ring of fully automatic gunfire. Even if you know it's coming, it's quite unnerving. We went inside and it was pretty much your everyday gunshop. They had guns of all sizes and shapes for sale.
There was a long line in the store at the rental counter. They have a large variety of guns that you can rent and purchase ammo to try them out. It's obviously a big hit with the tourists. They have anything from a pistol all the way up to a tripod machine gun. Mrs. Lime and her sister both decided they wanted to shoot the fully automatic M-16. Mrs. Lime selected Osama Bin Laden for her target and her sister picked out Saddam Hussein. We got all the gear on (shooting glasses and headsets) and headed into the range.
In the range, there were probably 12 shooting stations, many of which were full. Mrs. Lime stepped up and got some instruction from the guy at the range. He set her up and she started firing. The visual of my wife blasting off rounds with a M-16 was both funny and frightening all at once. My main thought was that I probably should avoid pissing her off in the future now that she knows how to handle a fully automatic weapon. She ripped off about 50 rounds in a very short period of time and then her sister took her shots with 25 rounds. When they finished out, Osama and Saddam both looked a bit worse for the wear. Osama had taken about 4 shots to the heart out of Mrs. Lime's 50 rounds (4 out of 50 isn't bad) and her sister had hit Saddam with several shots to the torso. With the girls having done their part on the War on Terror, we headed back to the strip for more gambling and eating. After watching them shoot, I was ready for a strong drink.
Couple of very cool things about the picture below. First, note the muzzle blast that I just happened to catch on this photo. Second, if you look just above Mrs. Lime's left hand, you can actually see the cartridge from that bullet flying through the air. It looks kind of like a small bronze line. The round white dots you see in the bottom of the picture are probably reflections from the casings and the gun.

In this picture, you can see poor Osama Bin Laden hanging upside down, ready to take a bullet. He is smiling, so he evidently doesn't think my wife can hit him from 30 feet. Fortunately, Mrs. Lime proved otherwise.