First let me give you a layout of how the poker room is set up. The poker room is divided into 4 sections. The front left and front right sections along with the back left section of the room are all just normal ring games where you can sit down and play and leave when you want. The back right section of the room had about 10 tables and that was where the tournaments were held. They had tourneys in the Wynn poker room where the buy in was $350 and another one that was $500. The tourneys were played on a daily basis. Some of the better players show up on a regular basis to play in the tourneys.
Early on, there was a lot of excitement at BT's table. A girl next to him was dealt two aces. She raised to $50 and 3 people called her bet, including an older man who was playing his first hand. The flop had nothing of real consequence. The girl bet out another $50 and the other three people called again. So we've got a $400 pot already with two cards yet to come. The next card is a king. The girl with AA goes all in for another $100 or so. All three of the other players call the raise. She flips over her AA and finds two of the players have very little and the older guy who just sat down has King-Two. She's a monster favorite as the guy with K2 has to hit one of the last two kings in the deck to win the pot, which is now over $800 (You can imagine how big the mound of chips was with $1 and $3 chips). Lady Luck arrives for the older guy on the river as a king falls, allowing him to rake in a pot of over $800 when he only had a 5% chance of winning the hand. Poker is a cruel, cruel game at times.
Meanwhile, in the rest of the poker room, there was a different focus. Mrs. Lime and her sister (we'll call her Blondie) were now standing 'on the rail' (term for the railing separating the poker room from the rest of the casino) watching my game. As I quickly found out, most of the poker room had spotted Mrs. Lime and Blondie before I did. A couple of guys at the table were already making eyes at the ladies before I started talking to Mrs. Lime and they figured out there was a connection. They asked who my wife was so they would know who was the available one. All of the guys were nice about it. Mrs. Lime was on the waiting list to get in a game and the guys were hoping that she got to come to our table.
Early on, a big guy with an accent sat down at our table. It was pretty obvious to me and the guy sitting next to me that the new guy had a lot of money. He was actually waiting for a bigger game to get started. He folded his first hand and immediately struck up a conversation with Mrs. Lime and Blondie. I wasn't part of the whole conversation, but I did notice Mrs. Lime kept turning and smiling at me. I got the feeling he was buttering up the girls pretty good. But my attention was on the poker game and the large stack that the new guy brought to the table. So I quickly lipped the words 'distract him' and gestured toward the new guy. Mrs. Lime knew exactly why I wanted her to keep him busy. The obvious hope would be that he was so busy talking to the girls that he might make a mistake that I might end up benefiting from at some point. At one point, another guy came over to talk to the girls. The new guy quickly told him to 'get away from his girlfriends' and that 'he would kill him' if he didn't do so. The other guy quickly left. By the way, the girls did keep the new guy distracted enough for the table to take about $60 from him before he moved to a bigger game, but unfortunately, I didn't get any of that money.
Meanwhile, the floor manager of the poker room came over to the rail to talk with Mrs. Lime and Blondie. He came over to inform them that most of the guys in the tournament had noticed them on the rail and most of them were interested in buying them a drink. Given that drinks at the Wynn can run you $10-12 (except in the poker room where they're free), the girls could have probably received several hundred dollars in drinks if they wanted to do so. The floor manager informed the girls that he would keep the guys at arm's length and to let him know if they needed anything. Blondie commented to the floor manager that they weren't interested in any drinks but 'if anyone wanted to buy them a Ferrari to let them know'. Blondie obviously mentioned this because we had just gone through the Ferrari dealership located in the Wynn and had seen lots of really cool Ferrari's valued as high as $1.2 million. The floor manager quickly responded that the only guy who could actually do something like that was the new guy who they had been talking with the whole time. My wife and her sister sure do know how to pick them!
Mrs. Lime, Blondie and I were constantly on the lookout for any 'sugar daddy' situations while we were in Vegas. You know what I'm talking about. The guy in his 50's or older who has a 20-something, drop-dead gorgeous girl on his arm. As long as he keeps dropping the money, she'll keep hanging around. I spotted the ultimate sugar daddy while sitting at the poker table. I looked out into the hallway and saw a guy who wasn't a day under 65 walking down the hall with a tall, blonde in a red cocktail dress who couldn't have been over 26 if that. I motioned to Mrs. Lime to look. She saw them and busted out laughing. It was the best 'sugar daddy' couple we had seen while in Vegas. I sometimes wonder why a girl that looks that good would go to those lengths to get in that type of a situation, but who am I to judge I suppose. As long as they're having a good time.
Mrs. Lime eventually was called for the game and the floor manager made sure to escort her over to our table. Several of the guys at the table started chanting 'We win! We win!' when Mrs. Lime got a seat at our table. They were begging the floor manager to bring her over to our table the whole time and were quite happy with her arrival. Generally the conversation was good and everyone had a pretty good time. Nothing exciting happened after that. Mrs. Lime busted out after about 2 1/2 hours. I doubled up on an all-in bet with two eights that eventually turned into a full house. We stayed at the poker room until around 3:30 AM and then headed up to take a quick nap before it was time to head home.