Thursday, August 24, 2006

Haircuts get in the way of big things......

I went to the local 'Great Clips' franchise near our apartment to get my hair cut the other day. My hair was getting a bit long. When it gets long, it feels like a stocking cap during the summer months. It's at that point that I know roughly how my long haired dog feels during the summer. It must be pretty hot laying around in that fur coat all summer long. He can thank his mother for having him out of wedlock and dumping him on the streets of Raytown, Missouri. Thankfully we picked him up at the pound and put him in an air-conditioned home. But I digress....

Anyway, as I'm getting my hair cut, a guy comes in with his 7 year old kid. The kid is walking quickly ahead of his dad. The dad talks with the receptionist and a lady tells the kid that she'll be the one cutting his hair. The kid responds, "We need to make this quick! I have a play date at 3:00 PM!".

PLAY DATE?!?!?! What happen to just saying that you wanted to go play with the neighbor kid? This kid's world is so busy that he has to schedule play time around all his other obligations? What else does he have to do? I'm going to guess that this is just an Overland Park, KS phenomenon. Pure craziness.