Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Another on the way.......

Well, it appears that tomorrow or Friday we'll have another 0.1 in the family. My sister is supposed to be induced tonight if she doesn't go into labor by then. Kali 0.3 will soon have a girl her age to play with on a regular basis. Hopefully my sister and brother-in-law enjoyed their last night of sleep for awhile.

Lots of rain is moving through this week again. It seems like we have chances for rain just about every day this spring. It just keeps raining. I have a sprinkler system built into my yard, but I haven't even bothered turning it on yet. There's really no need. The grass is about as lush as it could be. It looks like a forest after a week or so. My neighbor across the street runs a landscaping business. He mows his yard every 3 days or so. He must be showing his landscape off to potential customers or something. I don't mow mine unless I can actually get some hay off the cuttings. Obviously, it's the farmer coming out in me.