Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The dreaded 'thump'........

It's bound to happen sooner or later. All is blissful and quiet and then you hear it: the dreaded 'thump'.

When Kali 0.3 gets tired during the day, I usually rock her a bit or walk around with her to relax her and put her to sleep. Once she's asleep or pretty close, I'll set her down in her cradle in the living room to take a nap. After that, I end up taking that time to take care of some things that I need to do.

Last night, I was sitting on the couch doing some stuff on the computer. Kali was taking a nap in the crib. I heard a noise that sounded like a hand hitting a sofa cushion. I shook it off as being a figment of my imagination. After a minute or two, I heard another 'thump'. OK, that was real.

I sat there for a minute to see if I would hear it again. Didn't hear it, so I stood up and started towards the kitchen. Just as I did, I notices the legs of my sleeping baby rise up as they often do when she has gas and quickly 'thump' back down on the mattress. After a couple more thumps, Kali woke up and was wide awake. So now I know two things if I ever hear the 'thump' again:

1) My daughter has gas.
2) It won't be long before she wakes up.

Duly noted.