Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Premature knock-out.......

Bad mistake by me last night. I took care of Kali 0.3 from about 6 PM on last night. Around 10 PM, it was time for Kali's bedtime feeding. So I gave Mrs. Lime advanced notice and kept Kali busy for a bit.

After Mrs. Lime took over, I headed into the kitchen for a nightly cocktail of drugs as I've been having some congestion from allergies. One of the things I took was a night-time cold relief drug. So after a few minutes, I'm starting to feel sleepy when Mrs. Lime mentions that Kali isn't all that interested in eating or sleeping.


This is an obvious issue because I'm about to fall asleep due to the cold relief drug I just took and Mrs. Lime has to get back to work. Thankfully, after several minutes, my favorite daughter had second thoughts and decided to take it easy on her dad. She filled up on milk and headed off to Dreamland. Moments later, her dad did the same and all was peaceful in the house. Crisis averted.