Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Celtic romp...............

Last week, I took Kali 1.1 to her weekly music class. They had a class with Celtic music in honor of St. Patrick's Day. Only one other girl, Malia, was there for the class. She was 3 years old. Kali was a bit more outgoing than usual. She wanted to crawl over to play with Malia. She also kept pointing at the musical instrument bin, wanting to play with them before it was time.

I also played with Kali in the gym room. They have things like slide, bridges, climbing walls, etc. for little kids. Kali likes to play around on some of the equipment, but most of her time is spent watching other kids. She's learning a lot in the classes and from playing with the other kids.

On the way home, Kali and I stopped at McDonalds to have a snack. On the way in, I saw a couple of girls in a car at the drive-thru window. They were giggling a lot and looking somewhat sleepy-eyed. As they drove away past me (I was on the sidewalk), I quickly figured out the issue at hand. The smell of marijuana smoke filled the air. Those girls were stoned out of their mind. I counted my blessings that those girls would be long gone by the time I got back on the road. Scary stuff.

Kali and I shared a ice cream sundae. Kali loves ice cream. She'll eat plenty of other foods, but much like Mrs. Lime, she's a sucker for ice cream. The sugar didn't have much effect on her energy level. She fell asleep on the way home after a couple of minutes on the road and slept well all night. Music and food can have that effect.