Thursday, March 13, 2008

Da-Da, where'd the top go??????

Kali 1.1 took advantage of the 75 degree weather yesterday. She went with me to Target, which is only a 5 minute drive away. We make that trip all the time together, but this day was different. We drove to Target with the convertible top down for the first time.

Kali knew something was odd right away. I put her into the baby seat without opening the car door. Once she was buckled into the seat, I got into the car and pushed the button to open the garage door. Kali was entranced as she looked up and was able to watch the garage door slowly open on its own. She smiled the whole time.

We backed out of the garage and Kali kept looking up and around. She looked at the clouds and trees that she usually can't see with the roof in the way. We drove slowly through the neighborhood and Kali just continued to take it all in.

After a couple of turns, we got onto the 4 lane highway. We sped up to around 60 MPH. Kali's hair started blowing all over the place. She put her hands on top of her head, seemingly worried that her hair might blow off. It didn't upset her at all, but you could tell that she was caught off-guard by all of the wind. As we slowed down after a couple of miles, Kali took her hands back off her head and resumed her surveillance of the surroundings.

She did even better on the way back home, not even worrying about her hair blowing around. I'm sure we'll be making many more convertible rides as the summer approaches. She'll be a veteran co-pilot in no time.